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How would I compose a newsworthy press release? (30th Dec 22 at 10:37am UTC)

The release should be short and sweet. You want readers to read your story as quickly as possible so they can get back to work or whatever else they were doing before reading it. This doesn't mean that you have to be brief; there are no rules here! Just make sure your content is concise and easy-to-read so people don't lose interest before even getting halfway through their morning commute (or wherever else).

Include keywords relevant for your industry or niche topic. This will help Google find people who are searching for information related specifically about what type of product/service/event etc., which could lead them directly from one page over another without any effort at all on their part whatsoever (which would make sense considering how much time was wasted during said commute). The more keywords used in conjunction with other words like "important"/"newsworthy"/"highly rated"/"bestseller", etc., makes Google crawl faster down certain paths within its search engine results pages (SERPs), meaning less time spent waiting around while browsing through pages full o' irrelevant stuff instead just looking up stuff relevant enough where actual humans might actually care enough about reading something worthwhile anymore {Smile}

How can I get the most visibility for my business with my press release?

You can get the most visibility for your business with a press release.

However, it’s a lot more than just writing something that sounds good and sending it to the wrong place.

The best way to ensure that you will get maximum coverage from your press release is by making sure that you use USA Today or AP newswire sites as one of your options for submission. These two publications have thousands of journalists who are always looking for new stories about their local businesses and industries, so if you submit directly through them, there’s no chance for them not to feature your story on their website or in print publications across America!

PR Newswire's news distribution, targeting, monitoring and marketing solutions help you connect and engage with target audiences across the globe.

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